# Zoe: Offer-Safety Enforcement

Zoe v0.24.0. Last updated August 25, 2022.

# What is Zoe?

For users: Zoe guarantees that as a user of a smart contract, you will either get what you wanted or get a full refund, even if the smart contract is buggy or malicious. (In fact, the smart contract never has access to your digital assets.)

For developers: Zoe provides a safety net so you can focus on what your smart contract does best, without worrying about your users losing their assets due to a bug in the code that you wrote. Writing a smart contract on Zoe is easy: all of the Zoe smart contracts are written in the familiar language of JavaScript.

# Sounds Like Magic. How Does it Actually Work?

To use Zoe, we put things in terms of "offers". An offer proposal is a statement about what you want and what you're willing to offer. It turns out, many smart contracts (apart from gifts and one-way payments) involve an exchange of digital assets that can be put in terms of offer proposals. We can say things like, "I'll give you three wool for two bricks (opens new window)." Learn more about the particulars of structuring an offer proposal here.

Offers are a structured way of describing user intent. To a certain extent, an offer's rules (called a proposal) are the user's contractual understanding of the agreement they are entering into.

You might have noticed that the offer doesn't specify the mechanism by which the exchange happens. The offer doesn't say whether the item you want is up for auction, in an exchange, or part of a private trade. The offer doesn't mention the particular mechanism because an important part of the design of Zoe is a separation of concerns.

Zoe is responsible for enforcing what we call "offer safety", and the smart contract that runs on top of Zoe is responsible for figuring out a proposed reallocation of resources. To use an auction as an example, the smart contract is responsible for figuring out who wins the auction and how much they pay, but Zoe handles the escrowing of the bids and the payments. You can think of this as similar to e-commerce websites using a separate payment-processor so that they don't have to handle the credit cards themselves.

# What is "Offer Safety"?

Zoe guarantees offer safety, meaning that when a user makes an offer and it is escrowed with Zoe, Zoe guarantees that the user either gets back what they said they wanted, or gets back (refunded) what they originally offered and escrowed.

When a user escrows with Zoe, they get back a JavaScript promise for a future payout. Let's look a particular example to see how this works.

# An Example: A Swap

I want to trade my three bricks for five wool. You realize you have five wool and agree to the deal. Without Zoe, you might send me the five wool, and I might disappear without ever giving you the three bricks. With Zoe, we can safely trade with each other, even if we don't trust each other. We are assured that at worst, if the swap contract behaves badly, we both get a refund, and at best, we get what we each wanted.

Let's look at the basic Atomic Swap contract (link includes real contract code (opens new window)).

Here's a high-level overview of what happens:

  1. I make an instance of the swap contract, and get an invitation to participate in the contract.
  2. I make an offer through Zoe by presenting my invitation, a proposal of 3 bricks for 5 wool, and a payment with the 3 bricks. Zoe escrows the bricks and returns me a seat (a UserSeat to be precise) in the contract, from which I can get the results of my offer, the payouts, etc.
  3. The result of processing my offer is an invitation for my counterparty. I send you that invitation to participate in this contract instance.
  4. You inspect the invitation and verify it was created by the atomicSwap contract code.
  5. You use your invitation to make your matching offer with Zoe (5 wool for 3 bricks). You get your own seat to with which to access your payout and offer results.
  6. The contract confirms that our offers match, and reallocates our bricks and wool and exits our offers. That will resolve our respective payout promises, mine to the five wool that I wanted, and yours to the three bricks that you wanted. Success!

# How to Write Smart Contracts

Writing smart contracts that run on Zoe is easy. Let's look at a simple contract like Automatic Refund (link includes real contract code (opens new window)). It only does one thing, and it's pretty useless—it gives you back what you put in.

const start = zcf => {
  const refund = seat => {
    return `The offer was accepted`;
  const makeRefundInvitation = () => zcf.makeInvitation(refund, 'getRefund');

  const publicFacet = Far('publicFacet', {
    makeInvitation: makeRefundInvitation,

  const creatorInvitation = makeRefundInvitation();

  return harden({ creatorInvitation, publicFacet });

export { start };

Whenever we create a new object or array, we recursively freeze it with harden. You can learn more about harden in the Endo and Hardened JavaScript documentation (opens new window).

The automaticRefund contract behavior is implemented in refund. It just tells Zoe to exit the offer, which gives the user their payout through Zoe.

A smart contract on Zoe must export a function named start that takes a single parameter: zcf, which is the contract-internal API for Zoe. The start function must return an object with any of several optional properties:

  • creatorInvitation: An invitation only available to the creator of the contract instance.
  • creatorFacet: An object with operations made accessible only to the creator.
  • publicFacet: An object with operations available to any client with access to the instance.

# Diving Deeper

Let's dive back into the Atomic Swap contract (link includes real contract code (opens new window)).

The contract first confirms that issuers are setup for the Asset and Price keywords. Those are the two items that will be swapped.

The following uses the assertIssuerKeywords helper function. It checks properties of the running contract instance's terms.

const start = zcf => {
  assertIssuerKeywords(zcf, harden(['Asset', 'Price']));

The makeMatchingInvitation() handler is for the contract instance's creator, and it makes the invitation for the other party to use. At the end of this section, we'll see how it's incorporated into the contract. When the associated creatorInvitation is used to make an offer, makeMatchingInvitation() is invoked with the seat for that offer.

This contract uses the assertProposalShape helper function to check that the offer proposes the kind of trade the contract accepts. In this case, offers must have a proposal of the form:

  give: { Asset: amount1 },
  want: { Price: amount2 },

amount1 and amount2 are amounts with the correct issuers for the keywords. The contract then uses getProposal() to extract the properties of the proposal for later matching.

  const makeMatchingInvitation = firstSeat => {
    assertProposalShape(firstSeat, {
      give: { Asset: null },
      want: { Price: null },
    const { want, give } = firstSeat.getProposal();

makeMatchingInvitation() then constructs a matchingSeatOfferHandler() handler for the second offer, with the first offer's want and give in scope. This second handler is responsible for the final step. It uses the swap helper function to attempt asset reallocation between the two seats as described above and then (whether or not the attempt succeeds) exits both seats, making payouts available to both parties. Finally, matchingSeatOfferHandler() shuts down the contract.

    const matchingSeatOfferHandler = matchingSeat => {
      const swapResult = swap(zcf, firstSeat, matchingSeat);
      return swapResult;

Now let's put it together. The final step of makeMatchingInvitation() is to create and return the second party's invitation, using matchingSeatOfferHandler() and including custom properties for the proposal of the invited offer.

    const matchingSeatInvitation = zcf.makeInvitation(
        asset: give.Asset,
        price: want.Price,
    return matchingSeatInvitation;

Finally, the start function makes an invitation for the instance's creator and returns it as creatorInvitation.

  const creatorInvitation = zcf.makeInvitation(
  return { creatorInvitation };

The creatorInvitation is only available to the contract instance's creator (see startInstance). The creator can use it to make their own offer, or can send it to some other party.